Terms & Conditions

The display, presentation, sale, transport – storage, delivery and any return of our products displayed on this website as well as the protection of your personal data and the security of your transactions are governed by these terms of use, which we invite you to read before you navigate kiddoboo.me and make your purchases. Your browsing on kiddoboo.me as well as making any transaction or communication with our company means your unreserved acceptance of these terms of use. In the event of your disagreement or reservation regarding part or all of these terms and conditions, you can send your relevant e-mail to the email address info@dyname.eu . Our company reserves the right to modify, renew or upgrade at any time and without prior notice to the user/consumer/visitor/member of kiddoboo.me part or all of these terms of use, part or all of the content of intellizen.gr, part or the overall appearance, structure or composition of kiddoboo.me as well as its technical specifications. Also, the company reserves the right at any time, without justification and without prior notice to the user/consumer/visitor/member of kiddoboo.me to cancel, suspend or terminate the operation of intellizen.gr The user/consumer/consumer/member of kiddoboo.me acknowledges and unconditionally accepts all of the above by only navigating and/or using the services of intellizen.gr
The kiddoboo.me online store displays, promotes and resells the products of the suppliers with whom our company cooperates in a non-exclusive and/or exclusive representation relationship. The company reserves the right to freely select the products it displays on kiddoboo.me and to modify, renew and/or withdraw them at any time and without prior notice. The same applies to its pricing policy, any offers and discounts which it may choose freely as well as modify, renew and/or withdraw without prior notice.
The entire content of kiddoboo.me (except for those elements that belong to third parties, e.g. copyright of third parties, partners, agencies, etc.), i.e. indicative and not limited to the texts, photographs, drawings, commercial and financial data, the programs, all kinds of files, marks/logos, the format (lay-out) of kiddoboo.me etc. are the subject of intellectual property of the company and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, European and applicable international law contracts, on intellectual property. Under no circumstances should their appearance and display on kiddoboo.me be taken as a transfer and/or assignment of license and/or right to use them. Based on the above, therefore, total or partial copying, distribution, transfer, processing, storage, reproduction, republishing, modification and any related action on the above data is expressly prohibited, without the express prior written consent of the company. Otherwise, the above actions may constitute an infringement of the intellectual/industrial property rights of the company, which reserves the right to claim any positive and consequential damages caused to it in accordance with the provisions of current legislation. The user/consumer/visitor/member of kiddoboo.me accepts and acknowledges that the company has the possibility of commercial exploitation (either by itself or by third parties) of all the data displayed on kiddoboo.me as well as the modification of these data at any time wishes with or without prior notice to the users/consumers/visitors/members of intellizen.gr
  1. other terms
a) Applicable Law For any dispute that may arise regarding the operation and use of the site, if it is not possible to settle it by consensus, the Courts are competent. b) Invalidity of a term – If one of the aforementioned terms is or becomes invalid, the remaining terms of this Agreement will not be affected. c) Modification of terms of use – These terms of use may be modified at any time by the company with or without prior notice. Any modification of the terms shall be effective upon their posting on intellizen.gr d) Headings – The headings used in these terms of use are placed for ease of reference to its terms and do not constitute aids to the interpretation of the Agreement. e) Delay in exercising a right – Any delay by the parties (company and consumer) in exercising part or all of the rights arising from these conditions does not result in a weakening or waiver of the right in question which can be exercised at any time at a later stage and ‘ reasonable judgment of the beneficiary. f) Acceptance of terms – The user/consumer/visitor/member of kiddoboo.me declares that he has read these terms and accepts them in their entirety and that he acknowledges that they govern all services provided by kiddoboo.me throughout the navigation of at/transaction with intellizen.gr Product returns Returns Policy   The kiddoboo.me store can offer the customer a refund in all cases where incorrect, defective or damaged products were sold. The costs of returning the products to the company as well as the re-promotion costs to the customer are borne by Kiddoboo.me as long as the method of return proposed by the company is followed and after a relevant check has been carried out by the service department.   Return policy for defective products   In the event that the product is found to have a manufacturing defect, as long as this is verified by the authorized repairer who provides the warranty of good operation or in the event that Kiddoboo.me directly provides the warranty of good operation, the following shall apply: The warranty is provided for a specific period of time indicated in the product characteristics. After this period the products can be repaired for an additional fee. The return of the product should be made together with all the documents that accompanied the product and with its complete packaging if available. The return of the products is carried out either through a transport company (for bulky and heavy products) or through a courier. After returning the products, the service department checks the defect and then contacts the customer to inform him about the results of the check. If the defect is found, the product is repaired or replaced if possible, otherwise the transaction is canceled and money is refunded. The refund is made in the same way as the customer’s initial payment to Intellizen.gr. In the event that the products are damaged during the return due to wrong packaging or transport, kiddoboo.me will not accept the return. To return defective products, complete the Return Request (RMA)   Return policy for DOA products   The return of products that were defective on delivery (DOA) will be accepted within seven (7) calendar days of their delivery to the customer. At the same time, the product must be undamaged and have all the original documents that accompanied the product as well as its complete packaging. After returning the products, the service department checks the defect and then contacts the customer to inform him about the results of the check. If the defect is confirmed, then the product will be replaced with a new one, or in case of non-availability with another new product of the same quality and price, otherwise if the customer does not want a replacement, the money of the original purchase will be refunded to the customer. The refund is made in the same way as the customer’s initial payment to Intellizen.gr. The costs of returning the products to the company as well as the costs of forwarding to the customer are borne by kiddoboo.me In the event that the products are damaged during the return due to wrong packaging or transport, kiddoboo.me will not accept the return. To return defective products, complete the Return Request (RMA)   Return of non-defective products – Customer right of withdrawal without reason   The customer reserves the right to return the products purchased, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, without justification, within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt of the products. In order to make the return, the following conditions must be met: The products must be unused and in their original packaging The buyer has paid any amount incurred by the company for sending the item to him and the shipping costs for returning the item The receipt from the courier received by the customer upon receipt of the products is included. Shipping and delivery costs are borne by the customer. The refund is made in the same way as the customer’s initial payment to Intellizen.gr. In the event that the products are damaged during the return due to wrong packaging or transport, kiddoboo.me will not accept the return. Security & Privacy All information, which is related to personal data of the users, is ensured as confidential by observing the current legislation for the protection of personal data. The security of the Online Store is achieved by the following procedures: Customer ID: There are two codes used to identify the user/customer: A) the Login Code (Username) and B) the Secret Security Code (Password), Every time the user/customer registers, they gain access to their personal information with absolute security. He is given the possibility to change the Secret Security Code (password) as often as he wishes. The only person who has access to his details is himself through the above codes and is solely responsible for maintaining his secrecy from third parties. If it is lost or leaked, you must notify us, otherwise we are not responsible for the use of the secret code by an unauthorized person. Our online store in no way discloses or makes public the personal data and information of users/customers. Personal data is used exclusively for the proper execution of transactions. Ensuring the Privacy of the Transfer of Your Personal Data: To ensure the confidentiality of the data transfer, the SSL-128bit encryption protocol is used. Encryption: From the beginning to the end of the connection (on–line session) with the online store, all information and personal details of the user/customer are encrypted based on the SSL 128-bit encryption protocol. Encryption is essentially a way of encoding information until it reaches its recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key. Every time he connects to the online store, all communication between the user’s computer and our website is encrypted using a 128-bit key. Username & Password: To enter the online store, the user uses two codes, the Login Code (Username) and the Secret Security Code (Password). The online store provides the user with the possibility to change the Secret Security Code (password) as often as desired. Personal Data – Privacy of Transactions: The details of the users (name, e-mail address, home address, landline phone, mobile phone, etc.) and the transactions of the users of the online store are considered confidential. Users, when providing their details in the context of their transactions, consent and accept the imminent processing of these personal data for the needs of a smooth and smooth transaction between the parties, as well as the transmission of these details to recipients who will are specifically identified and are the employees of the company in the context of processing the drawn up contract. It is ensured that only authorized employees have access to transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. to process orders. Our Company undertakes not to disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless it has a written authorization from them, or this is required by a court decision or a decision of another public authority. Security Policy kiddoboo.me recognizes the importance of the security of your Personal Data as well as your electronic transactions and takes all the necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure your maximum security. All information related to your personal information and transactions is secure and confidential. The security of the kiddoboo.me Online Store is achieved by the following methods: Customer Identification The codes used for your identification are two: the Login Code (e-mail or username) and the Personal Secret Security Code (password), which each time you enter them, they provide you with absolute security access to your personal information. You are given the possibility to change your Personal Secret Security Code (password) and your electronic mail address (e-mail) as often as you wish. The only one who has access to your information is you through the above codes and you are solely responsible for maintaining its secrecy and hiding it from third parties. In the event of its loss or leakage, you should notify us immediately, otherwise the kiddoboo.me online store is not responsible for the use of the secret code by an unauthorized person. For security reasons, we recommend that you change your password at regular intervals and avoid using the same and easily detectable passwords (eg date of birth). We also recommend that you use not only letters and numbers but also symbols and password creation. Securing the Privacy of the Transfer of Your Personal Data To ensure the privacy of the data transfer, we use redirection of your details to the bank portal used by kiddoboo.me Automatic Disconnection If there is no activity for 30 minutes, you will be automatically logged out of the member area of ​​the kiddoboo.me online store Controlled Access (firewall) Access to the systems of kiddoboo.me (servers) is controlled by a firewall, which allows the use of specific services by customers/users while prohibiting, at the same time, access to systems and databases with confidential company data and information. Encryption kiddoboo.me’s system first decrypts the information it receives using the same key (predetermined when you start connecting to the service) and then processes it. kiddoboo.me’s systems send you information following the same encryption process. Confidentiality of Transactions Privacy is taken for granted. The same basic principles that govern traditional transactions also apply in the case of e-commerce. All information transmitted by the user/member to kiddoboo.me is confidential and kiddoboo.me has taken all the necessary measures to use it only to the extent that this is deemed necessary in the context of the services provided. Some of the measures taken are the following: Only authorized employees have access to your transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. to process your requests. kiddoboo.me does not disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless it has written authorization from you or is required to do so by a court order or decision of another public authority. In the event that kiddoboo.me uses third parties to support its systems, it takes care to ensure privacy. You can request any information held about you and its correction if you can demonstrate an error. For your own safety, you should also treat all information provided through the service as confidential and confidential and not disclose it to any third party. Security & Privacy All information, which is related to personal data of the users, is ensured as confidential by observing the current legislation for the protection of personal data. The security of the Online Store is achieved by the following procedures: Customer ID: There are two codes used to identify the user/customer: A) the Login Code (Username) and B) the Secret Security Code (Password), Every time the user/customer registers, they gain access to their personal information with absolute security. He is given the possibility to change the Secret Security Code (password) as often as he wishes. The only person who has access to his details is himself through the above codes and is solely responsible for maintaining his secrecy from third parties. If it is lost or leaked, you must notify us, otherwise we are not responsible for the use of the secret code by an unauthorized person. Our online store in no way discloses or makes public the personal data and information of users/customers. Personal data is used exclusively for the proper execution of transactions. Ensuring the Privacy of the Transfer of Your Personal Data: To ensure the confidentiality of the data transfer, the SSL-128bit encryption protocol is used. Encryption: From the beginning to the end of the connection (on–line session) with the online store, all information and personal details of the user/customer are encrypted based on the SSL 128-bit encryption protocol. Encryption is essentially a way of encoding information until it reaches its recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key. Every time he connects to the online store, all communication between the user’s computer and our website is encrypted using a 128-bit key. Username & Password: To enter the online store, the user uses two codes, the Login Code (Username) and the Secret Security Code (Password). The online store provides the user with the possibility to change the Secret Security Code (password) as often as desired. Personal Data – Privacy of Transactions: The details of the users (name, e-mail address, home address, landline phone, mobile phone, etc.) and the transactions of the users of the online store are considered confidential. Users, when providing their details in the context of their transactions, consent and accept the imminent processing of these personal data for the needs of a smooth and smooth transaction between the parties, as well as the transmission of these details to recipients who will are specifically identified and are the employees of the company in the context of processing the drawn up contract. It is ensured that only authorized employees have access to transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. to process orders. Our Company undertakes not to disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless it has a written authorization from them, or this is required by a court decision or a decision of another public authority. Cookies Our website http://www. kiddoboo.me has the option to use cookies and web beacons as part of the convenience and the good operation of its services. Cookies are small temporary storage files (text files), which are sent and stored on the user’s computer, allowing our website to function smoothly and without technical anomalies, to collect multiple user options, to recognize frequent users, to facilitates their access to it, and to collect data to improve the content of the website. Web beacons include standard elements from your web browser, such as e.g. browser type and language, address, your IP (Internet Protocol) address, and your actions on our website, such as the websites you visited and the links you clicked on. Cookies & web beacons do not cause damage to users’ computers or files stored on them. We use cookies to provide you with information and allow us to present you with advertising & educational content relevant to your interests and needs. You should be aware that cookies & web beacons are used to improve the functionality of websites and provide information from users’ browsing on them, collect personal information such as browser type and operating system , the referring page, the path to the site, the ISP (Internet Service Provider) domain, etc. in order to understand how visitors use a website. Cookies and similar technologies help us tailor our website to your personal needs and detect and prevent security threats and abuse. If used individually, cookies and web beacons cannot identify you personally. Cookies are divided into the following categories: – Basic Cookies. We use these cookies to ensure the most secure and efficient website. These cookies are necessary to provide the services requested by users. They allow the execution of basic site functions, such as adding products to the cart, saving products to the wishlist, online payment. Without these necessary Cookies, the smooth operation of our website is immediately affected and your personal browsing experience is limited. – Functionality Cookies. These cookies remember your preferences when browsing our website, so that we can recommend the appropriate services based on your needs, thus helping you to find what you are looking for much more easily. – Performance Cookies. Performance cookies collect information about how visitors use our website. They allow us to see which pages are visited most often, let us know if they experience any problem while navigating, etc. These cookies do not collect information that identifies the visitor as the information is aggregated and therefore anonymous. They are only used to improve the way our website works. – Advertising Cookies. These cookies collect information about your preferences and choices on our website so that you receive relevant advertising content for the services you are really interested in. They also help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. – Cookies Analytics. We are constantly improving our website to simplify the search. The most useful information we receive for this purpose comes from Analytics Cookies, which anonymously identify how users interact with and navigate our pages. Third-party vendors, including Google, may display Company advertisements on websites, use cookies to update, optimize and display advertisements based on the user’s previous visit to our website. Our website www. kiddoboo.me may also use cookies from your previous visit for remarketing. You can choose to opt out of such use of cookies by Google by clicking here. You can also set your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) to notify you each time before a cookie is downloaded and decide whether to receive it or reject it. In this case, keep in mind that you may not be able to use all of its features. Our website may use Google Analytics functions for display ads (eg, remarketing, etc.). Using Ads Settings, visitors can opt out of Google Analytics for display ads and also customize Google Display Network ads. Here are the available Google Analytics opt-out options for the web. Our website complies with the Google AdWords Interest-Based Advertising Policy and sensitive category restrictions. We reserve the right to change this cookie policy at any time. Any changes to this cookies policy will be effective from the moment the revised cookies policy is available on our website. Third-party advertisers and other businesses we work with may use their own cookies to collect information about your activities on our website. We do not control these cookies. More information about the general use of cookies, as well as methods of blocking or limiting them, can be found on the websites http://cookiepedia.co.uk/all-about-cookies and http://www.allaboutcookies.org/.